Create events in your Marketing Calendar with reminders

Create events in your Marketing Calendar with reminders

You can set notifications for various activities beyond just campaigns and social media. Let's say you're organizing an event for next week. Here's how you can set up notifications:

1. **Navigate to Calendar:** Move to the calendar for the upcoming week where you want to plan the event.

2. **Schedule the Activity:** Suppose you're planning to launch a big email campaign on Wednesday at 8:00 a.m. Click on the corresponding time slot on the calendar and select the activity icon. Choose "Send Promo Email Now."

3. **Assign a Category:** If the email is part of a larger campaign, you might want to categorize it. Click "Add Category" and choose from options like "Promotional" or create a custom category for the event.

4. **Set Email Reminder:** By default, the system will send the notification email to the logged-in user a specified number of days, hours, or minutes before the event start time. This serves as a reminder.

5. **Save the Notification:** Click "Save" to confirm the notification setup. You'll now see it displayed on the calendar, color-coded based on the assigned category.

6. **Edit and Organize:** If needed, you can easily move the notification by dragging it to a different time slot. You can also adjust the time or delete it as necessary.

By utilizing notifications, you can stay organized and keep track of all your marketing activities, including events, campaigns, and more.

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