Our software enables comprehensive tracking of subsequent purchases on your website, whether you have an e-commerce site or lead conversion events such as email newsletter sign-ups or white paper downloads. This tracking extends all the way back to the original social post, providing a wealth of reporting options.
To implement lead conversion tracking, simply use the pre-generated code provided by our software. This code, typically a clear one-by-one pixel image, should be placed on the thank-you page that users see after successfully signing up for your newsletter. This pixel is invisible to users and allows us to track the event without altering the appearance of the page.
For e-commerce tracking, you can pass along revenue information in addition to tracking conversions. Activate revenue tracking in our software, and you'll receive a code snippet with a placeholder for the purchase amount. This code should be added to the thank-you page that users see after completing a purchase on your e-commerce platform. The platform's documentation should provide guidance on how to dynamically insert the purchase amount into the code.
If you have additional actions on your site, such as requesting a phone call from a salesperson, you can create custom tracking events for these actions. Provide the generated code to your developer, who will place it on the appropriate thank-you page. Ensure that you select the appropriate options, such as whether to include the action in total conversions and whether to count only the first event per user.