Edit or Delete items in the weekly Queue Schedule

Edit or Delete items in the weekly Queue Schedule

it's easy to edit the queue and there's several ways of doing it if you want to change the time posts are sent each one of these items that you see here represents a single post this will never send multiple posts at this time it's just going to look for a single one so I'm going to drag this like let's say I want to change the time it sends you can just drag that to a different time and it will change it if you click it you can also change things like the C category I can uncheck all and say you know what I only want holiday posts going out at that particular time and I only want this to go to Pinterest so now you know that at 6:30 in the morning on Wednesday it will only send pins Pinterest posts and I'm going to save that so that's how this one works so let's let's do a bulk ad so if I want to copy this to a bunch of different other places uh maybe others at 6:30 I can click this plus button right here and it's in bulk copy mode so now I can copy this to different

times and then click here when you're done I can also drag categories over so let's say I really want to have a tips post go out to fill this time slot I just opened up now it's going to already have the tips category selected the time is already selected based on where I dropped it now all I need to do is select the social networks and it just added a really nice tips uh schedule item the other things you could do are delete an item let's say I changed my mind you can click this and click delete and it will delete that schedule

item the last way to add something is to Simply click on on an area that doesn't already have an item if I click here it's going to select all of the categories so I can deselect all or uncheck all and then select a few and then select just the social networks I want and click save and then it adds it as well

👆 You’re all caught up