Prepare your CSV Spreadsheet for bulk import

Prepare your CSV Spreadsheet for bulk import

Preparing your spreadsheet and CSV for bulk importing social media posts involves following specific guidelines to ensure smooth processing. Here's how to set up your CSV file correctly:

1. **Download Example CSV**: Begin by downloading the example CSV provided. This file serves as a template for organizing your data correctly.

2. **Open Sample File**: Open the downloaded sample file to review its contents. Ensure that you don't modify any of the column headings in the first row, as they specify the information required by the software.

3. **Message Column**: The first column represents the message of each post. Each row corresponds to a separate post.

4. **Link Column**: Leave this column empty if you don't want to include a link in your post. Including a link will create a link post. However, if you provide a link along with an image URL, it will be an image post.

5. **Image URL Column**: If you want to specify an image for your post, enter the URL of the image in this column. Ensure that the image is hosted somewhere as a direct image file (ending in .jpeg or .png).

6. **Video URL Column**: Similarly, if you want to include a video in your post, enter the URL of the video file in this column. The video file should be hosted separately and should end with .mp4.

7. **Date and Time Columns**: Specify the date and time for each post using the month, day, year, and hour columns. You can include the keyword "random" for the minute column to send the post at a random minute within the specified hour.

8. **Pinterest Pin Title**: If you're including Pinterest posts, enter the pin title in this column.

9. **Category, Watermark, Hashtag Group, CTA Group**: These columns allow you to specify additional settings for your posts, such as category, watermark, hashtag group, and call-to-action group.

10. **Video Thumbnail Column**: If you're including a video, you can specify a JPEG or PNG image URL as the video thumbnail.

11. **Save as CSV**: Once you've entered all the necessary information, save the file in CSV format.

By following these instructions and organizing your data correctly in the CSV file, you'll be ready to import your posts in bulk using the provided CSV import feature in the software. Remember to refer to additional resources or videos for detailed instructions on bulk importing.

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